Tuesday - Friday
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturdays by appointment only
Physical Location: 32 East Main Street,
Berryville, VA 22611
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 306, Berryville, VA 22611
The Clarke County Historical Association, founded in 1938, serves as the main repository for Clarke County's rich history. We operate the historic Burwell-Morgan Mill in Millwood, VA, as well as the Archives in downtown Berryville, VA
Our Mission: To help preserve the historic resources and records of Clarke County and to foster their use, understanding, and enjoyment through stewardship and education.
Our Vision: To join with others in keeping alive the history of Clarke County.
Burwell-Morgan Mill
A National Register Historical Landmark and one of the oldest, most original operational grist mills in the country,
located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley.
The History Center and Archives is home to our research library, archives, educational resources, permanent and temporary exhibits, and staff offices. Researchers can search our online database or make an appointment to discover more of the archives.
Art at the Mill
For two weeks in the spring and two weeks in the fall, the Burwell-Morgan Mill turns into a two-level art gallery where visitors can purchase works from almost 300 local and regional artists. Sales from the show help support the operations of CCHA and help keep the water wheel turning at the Mill. To learn more about Art at the Mill, or how to participate as an artist, click the button below.
Get Involved with CCHA
CCHA depends on support from people like you to help us fulfill our mission: to preserve the historical resources and records of Clarke County and to foster their use, understanding, and enjoyment through stewardship and education.
Contact Us